Design and Technology

Course Description

Design and Technology GCSE offers pathways in product design.

The OCR GCSE in Design and Technology offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for learners to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products or systems. Through studying GCSE Design and Technology, learners will be prepared to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world; and be aware of, and learn from, wider influences on design and technology, including historical, social/cultural, environmental and economic factors.

More information on why to choose D&T in the link below:

Why choose D&T?

Who would this course be suitable for?

To achieve in a GCSE Technology subject you must be mature, enthusiastic and be able to work independently. You will also need to enjoy Maths. At GCSE you are expected to work a task that you have selected which may be different from your peers. You therefore, need to have the ability to plan, organise and manage your time efficiently to achieve and be successful. 

Whist you will obviously enjoy the practical aspect of the course, this is only worth 10% of your marks.  You will also be assessed on theoretical knowledge in the form of short or extended exam questions and an extended coursework portfolio.

Potential career paths

There are a variety of career paths that you could follow after studying one of the Technology GCSE subjects. Have a look at the video to gain some ideas.

Most students go on to study either A level Product Design or apprenticeship and can lead to a place on a university degree course. 

Careers that link to D&T 

Product design Robotics Industrial Automotive Carpet manufacture Fashion/haut couture Interior design Packaging Games industry Advertising Marketing Digital media Publishing Film and media. Civil engineering Construction Mechanical engineering Robotics Armed forces Electronics engineering Aerospace Automotive engineering Services & infrastructure