Media Studies
This is an option offered by the English Department.
Student who choose this option will take the qualification Eduqas GCSE Media Studies
Course Description
GCSE Media Studies offers you an interactive and engaging course that aims to broaden your mind. You’ll cover all aspects of media including language, representations, industries and audiences, giving you an in-depth understanding of how media represents the world.
30% of the course is NEA (Non Exam Assessment) completed in class
70% of the course is exam based.
Who would this course be suitable for?
To achieve in GCSE Media Studies, students must have a passion for all media, including film, print, websites and many more. Students will need to be analytical of media pieces and will be required to understand how their design and content reflects their purpose and target audience.
Creativity is another important attribute as students choosing this course will have the chance to demonstrate their understanding by creating their own media pieces, including magazine covers and articles.
Students will find a challenge in meeting design briefs whilst constantly evaluating their content. Organisation of time is key.
Media Studies is a challenging and academic subject. Students will engage with critical theory, allowing them to understand how our society and the world is mediated through a range of media texts.
Media Studies links to English Literature as it focuses on themes such as gender and genre codes. Key to Media Studies is the understanding of how language is used to create meaning, creating direct links to English Literature. Furthermore, Media Studies is linked to Sociology as it supports students in their understanding of how media shapes the society we live in.
Potential career paths
Advertising: Marketing Researcher,
Electronic Media, Radio, & Television Broadcasting: Broadcaster, Community Relations Director, News Writer, Advertising Sales Coordinator, Market Researcher, Social Media Marketer, Social Media Researcher.
Journalism (Print or Electronic): Reporter, Editor, Script Writer, News Service Researcher, Technical Writer.
Government/Politics: Public Information Officer, Legislative Assistant, Research Analyst, Lobbyist.
Law: Legal Researcher, Mediation & Negotiation Specialist, Legal Secretary, Legal Reporter.
Social and Human Services: Human Rights Official, Peace Keeper, Community Affairs Liaison
Jobs that use Media Studies: